uploads/access program.jpg

access program 1.(美)(電視網分臺于每周特定時間內播放的)每周特別電...

access time

Describes data access programming with visual c , where the preferred way is to use one of the class libraries such as the active template class library or microsoft foundation class library , which simplify working with the database apis 描述如何使用visual c + +進行數據訪問編程,首選方式是使用類庫(如活動模板類庫( atl )或microsoft基礎類( mfc )庫)之一,這將簡化對數據庫api的使用。

As part of the baseline installation , setup also installs microsoft data access components mdac , which are necessary to support data access programming in visual c . net 作為基準安裝的一部分,安裝程序同時安裝為支持在visual c + + . net中進行數據訪問編程所必需的microsoft數據訪問組件( mdac ) 。

Thanks to master s love and blessing , this idea has become a reality that provides services to a wider spectrum of truth seekers through public access programming 感謝師父的愛和加持,如今這個想法已經落實,我們透過公共節目系統,更廣泛地為真理追求者提供服務。

For more information about ado . net and other types of data access programming , see the following online resources 有關ado . net和其他類型的數據訪問編程的更多信息,請參見以下聯機資源。

You can also compile access programs as standalone programs and distribute them to multiple locations 您還能夠將access程序作為獨立的程序進行編譯,并將其分發到多個地點。

Url access programming Url訪問編程

Data access programming >數據訪問編程

The following are frequently asked questions about data access programming 下面是一些有關數據訪問編程的常見問題( faq ) :

Introduces data - access programming in visual studio 介紹visual studio中的數據訪問編程。

What is the mfc data access programming model 什么是mfc數據庫訪問編程模型?